
Stacking the Shelves #1

This is my first time joining, so welcome to myself! :D Since I still have a lot of books that I need to review I wasn't able to buy any new ones.

So here our some ebooks that I received this week:

1. The Untouchables by J.J Mcavoy 

I loved the first book so I'll definitely hope I'd love this one too.

2. Maya and the Tough Guy by Carter Ashby

Intriguing synopsis. 

3. Bedside Manners by Phoebe Fox

The first book ended in a cliffhanger so I am excited to know what wound happen in the sequel!

4. Sugar's Twice as Sweet by Marina Adair

The cover really attracted me so hoping this book would turn out good.

5. Holding Strong by Lori Foster

Never expected to be approved for this book but luckily I did. Can't wait to read it too.

What books was added to your shelves this week?

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