
6 Ideas For Your Halloween Costume

So in the spirit of Halloween, the missing blogger is back, alive and kicking! Bet you all missed me. Not. :D So now that Halloween is fast approaching here are some ideas for your costume.

1. Tris Prior

Because I love Divergent, I chose Tris as my very first choice. Her outfit is so easy to recreate so this could be like your last minute costume if you haven't had the time to think of any. 

2. America Singer

If you're feeling a little bit fancier, then you could try out being America Singer this Halloween. Although you'd look more like you're dressing up for prom. 

3. Netflix and Chill 

If you want to be more funny this Halloween then this costume is perfect for you. All you'll need is a shirt that says Netflix and maybe some ice or if you don't want ice melting all over you, you could stick some paper snowflakes to your shirt.

4. Snapchat Filter

Another funny costume you could go for is the Snapchat Filter. There are tons of makeup tutorials on youtube that could teach you on how to achieve this look.

5. Peter Pan

Recently I have been so obsessed with Peter Pan and Wendy. Trying to analyze the love story between them which was hinted in the book but never fully talked about. So you could go as Peter Pan. The sexy version or the tamer one is all up to you.

6. Sadako from The Grunge

If you want to go for something more scary and still easy to do, then Sadako is the one for you! If you have long black hair you won't need much to add just slip on a white dress and then you're good to go! 

So what will you be going for this Halloween? Comment down below!

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